What is wholesale life insurance? It’s part of our name! And that name reflects our commitment to working with insurers who provide the lowest prices available. We’ll explain how life insurance pricing works…and give you our best tips for finding the best possible prices.
➡️ What is wholesale life insurance? It’s all about getting the best possible price based on your unique needs and situation. Let us help! We can ensure you get the best price available. Call us at (800) 823-4852 or click the button below to get a free quote!
Get a Free QuoteWhat You Need to Know about Shopping for Life Insurance
Think of shopping for life insurance the way you might shop for a car. There’s no such thing as a standard “car” – you have to pick a make and model, and each car manufacturer offers their own, all with different features, pricing, and packages. You’d probably do a little research beforehand, to see which model combines the features you really want at a price you can afford.

The same goes for life insurance. There’s no such thing as a “standard” life insurance policy. Every insurer offers different types of policies, each with their own features and add-ons available. But not many people know just how many companies and policies are actually out there. Did you know we can source policies from over 60 insurers? That’s a lot of options!
PRO TIP: Want to know more about your choices? Click here to learn about the different types of life insurance!
If you shop online, it’s not always obvious how many options you’ll be given. Some websites – especially those that let you purchase 100% online – only offer policies from a small number of insurers. You’re not getting the full picture of what’s really available, so you might end up overpaying or missing out on a policy with more features for less money.
So what’s the best way to make sure you get the best possible price for your life insurance? Work with an agent – like one of ours! Only a licensed agent can get you prices and details on a wide range of policies and insurers, to make sure you find the one that best fits your needs and budget. Of course, you’re welcome to start with our free online quoter! Just know that if you have health conditions, use tobacco, or have a dangerous job or hobby, that quote is not going to reflect the actual price a life insurance company would offer you.
➡️ What is wholesale life insurance? It’s all about getting the best possible price based on your unique needs and situation. Let us help! We can ensure you get the best price available. Call us at (800) 823-4852 or click the button below to get a free quote!
Get a Free QuoteHow Life Insurance Pricing Works
We use the words “wholesale life insurance” in our name so our clients understand we’re always searching for the lowest possible prices. But how do life insurance prices work? What makes a price “low”?
Your life insurance price is based on facts about you: your age, gender, health, job, lifestyle, and family health history. All life insurance is priced based on the amount of risk you represent to the insurer. That means your price isn’t the same as your boss’s price, or your best friend’s price.
Here’s what life insurance companies use to set their prices:
- Facts about you. How old are you? What state do you live in? How much do you weigh? How tall are you? Each of these factors can affect your policy’s price.
- Facts about your health. Do you have any medical conditions? Are you on any medication? Have you had any health problems in the past?
- Whether you take a medical exam or not. Because the insurer wants the best, most current picture of your health, they offer a free medical exam. During the exam, a mobile medic will come to you at home or work, on your schedule, and measure your height and weight. They’ll also collect a blood and urine sample. Once those are analyzed, the life insurance company can offer you a rate based on the level of risk you represent. Don’t want to take the exam? You don’t have to! A lot more companies offer no-exam policies these days. Instead of the exam, they’ll use data collection to find information about you, from sources like a national prescription database. Because that data collection isn’t as precise as an actual exam, you’ll usually pay more if you decide to skip the exam. If that’s not a problem, skip it! But if you’re shopping based on price, it’s probably in your best interest to take it.
- Facts about your lifestyle. What do you do for work? What do you do in your spare time? Do you smoke any tobacco products? How about marijuana? All these things also factor into your life insurance price. For example, if you’re a lineman who base jumps on the weekend, you’re going to be seen as a pretty high risk to insure – and your prices will reflect that.
- Facts about your family health history. Are your parents still alive? If so, are they healthy? How about your siblings? If any of your immediate family members suffer from serious health conditions, the insurance company may change you more (if those conditions are believed to be genetic).

The bottom line? Getting “wholesale” prices means acting fast – especially if you’re young and healthy.
➡️ What is wholesale life insurance? It’s all about getting the best possible price based on your unique needs and situation. Let us help! We can ensure you get the best price available. Call us at (800) 823-4852 or click the button below to get a free quote!
Get a Free QuoteWhy Work with Us at WholesaleLifeInsurance.net?
Now you know why life insurance pricing is so complex! Wouldn’t it be nice if you have someone guide you through the process…and explain everything as it happened? That’s exactly what we do.
When you call us, here’s what we’ll do:
- Ask about your insurance needs. How much coverage are you looking for? Do you have a policy type in mind? If you need help and aren’t sure, we’ll explain everything you need to know to make an educated decision.
- Ask the questions listed above, about your health and lifestyle. That’s how we can provide a more accurate quote. If you have health issues or use tobacco, that information will also help us point you toward the insurers who view those conditions or habits more favorably.
- Search through policies from 60+ insurance companies. We’ll give you free quotes for as many policies as we can find that fit your needs.
- Guide you through the application process. We’re here for you throughout the process, from helping you fill out the application to following it through the underwriting process at the insurance company. We’ll keep you updated, and let you know what the insurance company offers you. Then, we’ll help you take the next steps, whether that’s accepting the policy and putting it in force, or re-applying with a new insurer for a better price.

At WholesaleInsurance.net, we’ve been helping people protect their loved ones for over 50 years. Some of our agents have been in the business for decades! They’re all licensed, all super friendly, and know what to ask to get you the most accurate quote. And getting an accurate quote is the most important step in getting the best price possible on your life insurance!

➡️ What is wholesale life insurance? It’s all about getting the best possible price based on your unique needs and situation. Let us help! We can ensure you get the best price available. Call us at (800) 823-4852 or click the button below to get a free quote!
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