Financial planning isn't easy or enjoyable for many women. A recent Bankrate study showed that 46% of women say their mental health has been affected by money issues, compared to 38% of men.* The good news? Because women are likely to be more cautious in their investments, they're less likely to make bad or risky choices with their money. In fact, a UC Berkeley study reported that female investors outperform male investors by over a percentage point precisely because they're more cautious and rarely overtrade.^
➡️ Want to talk to a real person about planning for retirement with annuities and life insurance? Call or email me for a personalized consultation!
Schedule a CallChallenges Women Face in Retirement
Whether you're a breadwinner or a stay-at-home mom, women also have a couple of extra considerations that men aren't always confronted with. Here's what women are up against:
- Women usually live longer than men. This is why life insurance is often cheaper for women—they represent less risk. At the same time, it means they have to fund a longer retirement, and deal with more years of inflation draining the purchasing power of their dollars.
- Women usually earn less than men. Paycheck equity is not a sure thing, even in this day and age. In 2022, women earned an average of 82% of what men earned (based on a study performed by the Pew Research Center).**
- Women are more likely to serve as caretakers for their spouse and other family members. Because of this, they're often out of the workforce or have to limit their working hours. This leads to less income, fewer employment benefits, and less money to sock away in a retirement account such as a 401(k).
➡️ Want to talk to a real person about planning for retirement with annuities and life insurance? Call or email me for a personalized consultation!
Schedule a CallSteps to Take to Overcome Those Challenges
So, given that women have to worry about a few extra years and a little more inflation, what are some basic steps women can take to secure their financial futures?

- Ask for a raise. Research your job on sites like salary.com to find out what others in your position with your experience are making. Next, make a list of the reasons why you deserve that raise. How have you positively affected your company's bottom line? Have you brought in new business, or saved the company money by streamlining a process? Ask for a meeting with your boss where you raise these points and ask for your raise.
- Protect your paycheck. Your most valuable asset is your ability to earn a paycheck. If you are sick or disabled, you can't work...and you can't earn a paycheck. Disability insurance pays you if you can't work. You can buy a disability insurance policy, or you can look into disability riders for a life insurance policy that will pay your premiums (and make cash available to you) if you become disabled. This is especially important for single women who don't have a spouse's paycheck to help pay the bills during a disability.
- Find a way to supplement your retirement income. The future of Social Security is uncertain. Pensions are rare. The market's volatility can decimate the value stocks and mutual funds at a moment's notice. Permanent life insurance with cash value that builds over time is a great way to supplement traditional sources of income with steady, guaranteed growth.
- Make friends with your financial advisor. According to a 2021 survey, only 48% of women invest in the stock market, compared to 66% of men.^^ If you find a financial advisor who understands your needs (and your fears or worries about investing), set up a periodic meeting to go over the state of your portfolio. Quarterly or half-yearly is probably enough to keep you on the right track.
The video below will show you more ways life insurance can help you during your retirement:
➡️ Want to talk to a real person about planning for retirement with annuities and life insurance? Call or email me for a personalized consultation!
Schedule a Call*"Women are more likely to feel stressed about their finances than men – here’s what to do about it," Bankrate.com, accessed 11/1/23
^"Women Investors Often Outperform Men, and Here's the Simple Reason Why," Fool.com, accessed 11/1/23
**"Gender pay gap in U.S. hasn’t changed much in two decades," PewResearch.org, accessed 11/1/23
^^"Survey: Less Than Half of Women in U.S. Invest in the Stock Market," NerdWallet.com, accessed 11/1/23